Sunday, June 13, 2010


“I think long term, long haul. People who have integrity, whose word you can count on, who you know will work hard, who will be loyal—those are people who are more successful over a long period of time. I’ve talked a lot to our players about issues of character. We had a theme of the week that we talked about where one week it would be perseverance, another week it would be honesty, another week it would be self-sacrifice, another week it’s be courage, and we’d have a number of quotes by famous people about that topic. I’d talk to them about the theme and we’d have it in the scouting report. We’d talk about it on Monday and then talk about it again around Thursday and then again on Saturday morning on the day of the game. And how it related to having a good team and being a good player and what we were trying to get done. So in the course of going through thirteen games you really had talked about thirteen different themes and most all of those were character-related. It was really a course in character education that was never labeled as such. And hopefully, as coaches, we were able to model those traits most of the time. I think for the most part our team bought into it, and I think generally speaking we had a good level of character among our players.”

From, "How to Succeed in the Game of Life" by Christian Klemash