Saturday, October 29, 2011


This is an excerpt from a speech by Bob Stoops, head football coach at Oklahoma many years ago:

You will never hear me tell the players that we should have won a game. You will never hear me quoted as saying, “we should have won.” I do not believe in it. You either do or you don’t. It is as simple as that.

The big quote association with me is “no excuses!” To be frank, I have never heard a good excuse. They all amount to the same thing. They all amount to losing.

If you give your players a reason as to why they did not win, or if you are quoted as to why you did not win, they are going to latch on to that.

I never acknowledge injuries, and I am never going to acknowledge how young we are, or anything that has to with losing. The reason for this is because I never want one of my players to have an excuse not to succeed or to win.