Wednesday, July 31, 2013


From his book "No Excuses," Brian Tracy tells us about are two worst enemies.  This is a passage that can certainly relate just easily to players as two coaches:

Just as self-discipline is the key to success, the lack of self-discipline is the major cause of failure, frustration, under-achievement, and unhappiness in life.  It causes us to make excuses and sell ourselves short.

Perhaps the two biggest enemies of success, happiness and personal fulfillment, are first the Path of Least Resistance, and second, the Expediency Factor.

The Path of Least Resistance is what causes people to take the easy way in almost every situation.  They seek shortcuts to everything.  They arrive at work at the last minute and leave the first opportunity.

The Expediency Factor, which is an extension of the law of least resistance, is even worse when leading people to failure and underachievement.  This principle says, "People invariable seek the fastest and easiest way to get the tings they want, right now, with little or no concern for the long-term consequences of their behaviors."  In other words, most people do what is expedient, what is fun and easy rather than what is necessary for success.